EB2 for Advanced Degree Holders

EB2 for Advanced Degree Holders

The EB2 (employment second preference) can be referred to as a visa that provides legal permanent residence to those with a higher and cutting edge grade or even those who have outstanding abilities in education, athletics, arts, business and sciences. Furthermore, those people who fall into this category must have a permanent job offer in the Unites States.

EB2 Entitlements

It entitles the holders to live and work permanently in the United States and the children and spouses of the holders of the EB2 s can also accompany them or join them in the U.S. permanently. US permanent residents are entitled to attend any public or private school in the US, work in the US without a visa or employment authorization document, travel outside the US with few limitations, sponsor close relatives for US permanent residence and apply for US citizenship when eligible to do so.

EB2 Requirements

To be able to qualify for this category, applicants must possess an advanced degree or must be exceptional in their chosen field or profession. The applicants must possess a U.S job offer from a U.S employer who will act as guarantor or sponsor for the applicant.

In lieu of shedding more light on what an “advanced degree” is, for the purpose of the EB2 application, an advanced degree would be considered at least a Master’s degree, or in some professions or fields, a B.sc plus a minimum of five (5) years’ work experience.

Exceptional ability in this regard will mean that the applicant for this category of must possess a degree of expertise above what is ordinarily obtainable in the Arts, Sciences or business. Applicants who can prove or demonstrate their exceptional abilities and prove that their employment in the U.S would greatly promote the United State image and benefit the nation can self-petition and may not really need any U.S employer as a sponsor. This category also has health and character requirements.

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